CTF Methodology


  • Take note of CTF keywords

    • CTF name -> Reference to any technology?

  • Themed CTF?

    • Take note of possible username / password

  • Scan all ports with Nmap

  • Services

    • SSH

      • Do you have id_rsa?

        • Use it to login

        • Password is required?

          • ssh2john id_rsa > id_rsa.hash

          • Crack it

    • Samba (SMB)

      • smbclient -L //<IP>

      • enum4linux <IP>

      • Check HackTricks

    • FTP

      • Anonymous login

      • Can I write? (maybe only some folders) -> nmap check

        • Any script runs with a cronjob?

      • Can you navigate? Interested files? passwd?

      • Check HackTricks

    • Database

      • Awesome materials https://github.com/Jean-Francois-C/Database-Security-Audit

      • Check HackTricks

    • Unknown service

      • Check HackTricks

      • Check Google

        • pentest <service name / port number>

        • hack <service name / port number>

        • ctf <service name / port number> [beware of possible spoilers]

    • Re-use credentials

    • Hydra bruteforce

      • Fasttrack.txt

      • Rockyou.txt


  • View source code

  • Take note of any possible username, password, email, user info, subdomains

  • Analyze response. Any useful information?

    • curl -v <IP>

  • View robots.txt

  • Any login page?

    • Default user:password

    • Dictionary attack

    • Creating wordlist from webpage with CeWL

    • Do you need usernames?

      • https://github.com/francescovolpe/Cyber-Security-Notes/blob/main/Web%20vulnerabilities/Authentication.md#usernames-enumeration

  • File/directory enum

    • Always try more extentions

    • Try more wordlist

    • Bruteforce more deeply

  • Check if server is running an extension/app. Example if you find a dir called "webdav", search what webdav is.

  • Any strange or suspicious images?

    • Steganography

  • Parameters?

    • Command injection

    • SQLi

    • File inclusion (LFI/RFI) https://sushant747.gitbooks.io/total-oscp-guide/content/local_file_inclusion.html

      • Bypassing php-execution http://example.com/index.php?page=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=index

    • SSRF

    • XXE

Strange strings?

  • Hash? -> https://hashes.com/en/tools/hash_identifier

    • https://crackstation.net/

    • john, hashcat

  • Base64? -> https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=From_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D',true,false)

  • Rotate

  • Magic formula? -> https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=Magic(3,false,false,'')

  • Try all cyberchef decodings

  • Can I use this string/key somewhere? Ex. key to decrypt?

  • Google search


  • General

    • file <file>

    • binwalk <file>

      • binwalk -e <file>

    • strings <file>

      • strings -n 6 <file>

    • exiftool <file>

  • Image

    • stegseek <stegofile.jpg> <wordlist.txt>

  • Audio

    • Spectogram https://convert.ing-now.com/audio-spectrogram-creator/


  • PGP

    • Do you have .pgp and .asc files?

      • gpg2john file.asc > hash

      • john --wordlist=<PATH> hash

      • gpg --import file.asc

      • gpg --decrypt file.pgp #!/bin/bash

  • ZIP

    • zip2john -> crack password

    • View file name

    • fcrackzip -> brute force (password <7)

    • bkcrack (known plaintext attack) https://github.com/kimci86/bkcrack/tree/master

      • The newer scheme for password-protecting zip files (with AES-256, rather than "ZipCrypto") does not have this weakness.


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