Business logic vulnerabilities
🙈🛠️🖥️ Excessive trust in client-side controls
A fundamentally flawed assumption is that users will only interact with the application via the provided web interface.
An attacker can use tools such as Burp to tamper with the data after it has been sent by the browser but before it is passed into the server-side logic
❗⌨️📝 Failing to handle unconventional input
Are there any limits that are imposed on the data?
What happens when you reach those limits?
Is any transformation or normalization being performed on your input?
⚠️❌🖊️ Users won't always supply mandatory input
Remove one parameter at a time to ensure all relevant code paths are reached
Try deleting the name of the parameter as well as the value. The server will typically handle both cases differently.
Follow multi-stage processes through to completion. Sometimes tampering with a parameter in one step will have an effect on another step further along in the workflow
This applies to both
parameters, but don't forget to check the cookies too
🔄❌🔢 Users won't always follow the intended sequence
Example: many websites that implement 2FA require users to log in on one page before entering a verification code on a separate page.
Force browser to submit requests in an unintended sequence
Try to identify what assumptions the developers have made and where the attack surface lies
🧠⚠️🔧 Domain-specific flaws
Example: 10% discount on orders over $1000.
An attacker could add items until they hit the $1000 threshold, remove the items they don't want before placing the order (if the business logic fails to check whether the order was changed after the discount is applied)
Pay particular attention to any situation where prices or other sensitive values are adjusted based on criteria determined by user actions
To identify these vulnerabilities, think carefully about what objectives an attacker might have and try to find different ways of achieving this using the provided functionality
Last updated