Working with java code

For additional details, refer to the official documentation.

Enumerate loaded classes

There are two ways to know which classes are actually available:

  1. Java.enumerateLoadedClasses(callbacks) use this if you want to do something when the class is loaded or when the enumeration is terminated.

    onMatch: function(className) {
        console.log("[*] Class found: " + className);
    onComplete: function() {
        console.log("[*] Enumeration completed.");

/* Output
[*] Class found: com.test.a
[*] Class found: com.test.b
[*] Enumeration completed.
  1. Java.enumerateLoadedClassesSync() that returns the class names in an array.

var classes = Java.enumerateLoadedClassesSync();
console.log(JSON.stringify(classes, null, 2));
console.log("[*] Loaded classes: " + classes.length);

/* Output
[*] Loaded classes: 342

Enumerate methods


// Print all methods of classes *com.example*
const allExampleMethods = Java.enumerateMethods('*com.example*!*')
console.log(JSON.stringify(allExampleMethods, null, 2));

// Print all methods of classes *mainactivity* (Case-insensitive) 
const activity = Java.enumerateMethods('*mainactivity*!*/i')
console.log(JSON.stringify(activity, null, 2));


If we run the following code we get an error that say it couldn't find the class.

var exampleClass = Java.use("com.package.ExampleClass"); // Return an error

If we use Java.perform(fn), the code will be executed when the JVM is available, but not immediately.

Java.perform(() => {
    var exampleClass = Java.use("com.package.ExampleClass");
    var exampleIstance = exampleClass.$new();

Hooking methods

Use this script when you want to:

  • See the arguments passed

  • Change the implementation of the method (e.g. print/change return value)

Java.perform(function() {
  var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
  <class_reference>.<method_to_hook>.implementation = function(<arg>, <arg2>) {
     console.log("This method is hooked");
     console.log("First argument: " + <arg>);
     console.log("Second argument: " + <arg2>);
     console.log("Original return value: " + this.<method_to_hook>());
     return true;

Note: you don't need to specify the arguments. Do it when you want to see or manipulate their value.

Java.perform(function() {
  var a= Java.use("com.ad2001.frida0x1.MainActivity");
  a.get_random.implementation = function(){
    console.log("This method is hooked");
    var ret_val = this.get_random();
    console.log("The return value is " + ret_val);

If a method has more than one overload (it means that the method can be called with different parameters), you must use overloads and specify which signature you want to choose.

Java.perform(function() {
  var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
  <class_reference>.<method_to_hook>.overload('int', 'int').implementation = function(a, b) { 
    console.log("The first input is " + a);
    console.log("The second input is " + b);
    this.<method_to_hook>(a, b)
    return true;

Tip: if you don't know what are the overload available, try to hook the method without the overload. Frida automatically tell you that the method has more than one overload and it will show you the ones available.

Call a static method

Java.perform(function() {
    var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
Java.perform(function() {
    var a = Java.use("com.ad2001.frida0x2.MainActivity");
    a.get_flag(4919);  // method name

Create a class istance

Java.perform(function() {
  var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
  var <class_instance> = <class_reference>.$new();      // Class Object
  <class_instance>.<method>();                          // Calling the method
Java.perform(function() {
  var check = Java.use("com.ad2001.frida0x4.Check");
  var check_obj = check.$new(); // Class Object
  var res = check_obj.get_flag(1337); // Calling the method
  console.log("FLAG " + res);

Working with class variable

Java.perform(function (){
    var <class_reference> = Java.use("<package_name>.<class>");
    console.log(<class_reference>.<variable>.value);  // Print the value
    <class_reference>.<variable>.value = <value>;     // Change the value 

Java app code

public class Checker {
    static int code = 0;

    public static void increase() {
        code += 2;


Java.perform(function (){
    var a = Java.use("com.ad2001.frida0x3.Checker");  // class reference
    a.code.value = 512;

Last updated