Installation & Commands


Install frida & objection on your host

Install the latest version

# Install frida
pip3 install frida-tools

# Install objection
pip3 install objection

Install an older version

  1. Choose a frida version. E.g. frida 15.2.2.

  2. Switch branches/tags and select a version. (You can also modify the URL)

  3. In the look at install_requires. It tells you what frida version it's supported. In this case frida-tools 13.6.1 supports frida >= 16.2.2, < 17.0.0. If we choose frida-tools 11.0.0, it supports frida >= 15.2.0, < 16.0.0.

  4. Install: pip install frida==15.2.0 frida-tools==11.0.0

  5. Verify installation: pip list

Install frida on the device

(1 way) Patching APKs with Objection
# Inject Frida into an APK
objection patchapk -s target.apk

# Inject specific version of frida into an APK
objection patchapk -V 14.2.8 -s target.apk

This quickly extracts, patches, re-packs, aligns, and signs the APK [🔗]. The patch is applied with the

Note: The app will pause at launch, waiting for Frida. Start it with:

frida -U <package_name>
(2 way) Running the Frida Server

Requirement: a rooted device

  1. Download the right frida-server version from Github

  2. Extract it

  3. Push it on the device

adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/

Note: We choose this path because other parts, such as /sdcard, are commonly mounted no-exec.

  1. Run frida-server

adb shell

cd /data/local/tmp
chmod +x frida-server

# Launch the server
  1. Now we can connect to the application by running:

frida -U <package_name>


# To list the available devices for frida

# Connect Frida to a device over USB and list running processes
frida-ps -U

# List running applications
frida-ps -Ua

# List installed applications
frida-ps -Uai

# Connect Frida to the specific device
frida-ps -D 0216027d1d6d3a03

# Spawn application with frida
frida -U -f <package_name>

# Spawn application with frida
frida -U -f <package_name> --pause

# Spawn application with a script
frida -U -f <package_name> -l <script.js>

# Attach to application
frida -U <package_name>

Frida Troubleshooting

When frida doesn't work correctly, try to downgrade. A lot of time it's a regression.

Last updated