Bypass Binary Protections
Identify compilers, packers, obfuscators
SSL Pinning
Missing SSL pinning
Bypass with objection
Bypass with frida
Replacing hard-Coded Sha256 hash
Intercept network traffic using remote debugging
This allow you to intercpet the traffic in the webview. It's especially useful in cordova-based apps.
Tip: if you can't use remote debugging, recompile the app and enable it.
Root Detection
Missing root detection
Bypass with frida
Identify RASP
Analyze source code
apkid --scan-depth 0 -r target.apk
Bypass protection analyzing the code and/or with frida
If the app return an error message (e.g. "Your device appears to be rooted"), search this string inside the code
Emulator Detection
Missing emulator detection
Bypass protection analyzing the code and/or with frida
Last updated