Frida trace [🔗] allows us to directly trace function calls. This is useful to see what happen when you perform an action. For example: open an app -> start frida-trace -> perform an action (press a button). In this way you can see what happen when you press a button.
# Trace all calls on com.package.*
# class!method
frida-trace -U -j '*!*' AppTarget
$ frida-trace -U -j '*!*' AppTarget
Started tracing 73 functions. Press Ctrl+C to stop.
14972 ms InterceptionFragment$4.onClick("<instance: android.view.View, $className:>")
14973 ms | InterceptionFragment.license_check_2()
# You know the class (InterceptionFragment) and the method called (license_check_2())
# Now you want to interpect/override that method.
Unfortunately, the package name is missing here. So you can use two ways to get it:
Inspect __handlers__
$ ls __handlers__
Note: keep in mind that not all classes are loaded at startup. Therefore, you may need to execute frida-trace after the application has started running (and when your class/method has been loaded).